Thursday, November 25, 2010

Vincent van Gogh Inspired Finger Painting

This painting was inspired by Vincent van Gogh.  The object of this assignment was to capture the essence of van Gogh's movement of lines.  My van Gogh painting is of a cracked and broken boulder that I drive by every time I visit my parents.   We began with primary colors along with black and white to create tints and shades as well as mixing the primary colors together to make different colors.  The sky is inspired by the artists painting "Starry Night" by using circular motions to create a sense of movement in the color and lines.

My personal experience with this project has mixed emotions.  I do like how it turned out but this is not what I was expecting to produce.  My objective was to create a scene on the prairie of an on old barn or building  but I was not happy with the building and how it looked so I smudged it and sat back to look at it.  After a few minutes of contemplation, I noticed that it looked like a boulder so I asked my professor to make it look like a cracked and broken boulder.  So now when I show people this piece of artwork I introduce it as my ... boulder!

This is a picture of a boulder on Highway 7 along the Minnesota and South Dakota border that I drive by every time I visit my parents house.

Extension Activity:
A great activity for finger painting is to use it in Social Studies.  For example, students can create portraits the figures in history that we are discussing.  In the instance of studying presidents, students will pick a president to research, write a paper and create a portrait by means of finger painting.  Students will focus on mixing colors to make not only the proper skin colors but also other colors necessary to create the presidential portrait.

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